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Showing posts from March, 2008


蟲師,看到長角的小女孩就看不下去了,唉,有點噁 盛夏光年,跳著看,不知怎的,結局看完,整個人就悶掉了,寂寞真是   令人害怕的東西。 (每個人,生來就不應該孤獨)


今天自己的想法還有跟許老師談過後的筆記 去找 toung 的 thesis 來看,看看這種跨領域的 thesis 要怎麼寫,看我有哪些跟它相像,哪些跟他不一樣,所以我該因此去找哪些相關的資訊來補足我現在不知道的地方 自己要知道自己厲害的地方在哪,自己做的東西哪裡好哪裡不好,自己哪些地方進步了,不管別人怎麼說,當建議聽就好,因為最懂得人應該就是你自己。 present 的時候要避重就輕,不是吹牛,也不是說謊,只是先把做的好的,做完成的先present 出來,接著在講哪裡還沒完成,或是哪裡還有 limitation。這樣先讓別人知道你做了什麼,有哪些東西做好了,再講哪些地方沒有做好。不然直接 present 沒做好的地方,會變成別人覺得都是問題,而忘記你其實也做了不少東西。 我太乖了,ORZ,已經不只一個人這樣講了,不是,是有很多很多人這樣講了。人當然要謙虛,但是,對自己也需要有自信,講話堅定穩重,決不口軟,但也決不要跟別人吵架,因為那樣不值得。 改變自己,不要期待別人改變,尤其是年紀越大的人越難改。 要學著去跟自己不同性子的人去相處,你既然明知到對方喜歡怎樣的interaction 方式,雖然必是要直接照著對方的方法做,但是可以試著去改變自己去和它相處的順利一點。

Windows Form C++.NET detect special Key

private: System::Void richTextBox1_KeyDown(System::Object^  sender, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^  e) {              if( e->KeyCode == System::Windows::Forms::Keys::Up ){                 this->label1->Text += "Up";              }          }

Windows Form C++.NET Discriminate Left & Right Mouse Button

private: System::Void button1_MouseDown(System::Object^  sender, System::Windows::Forms::MouseEventArgs^  e) {              if( e->Button == System::Windows::Forms::MouseButtons::Left ){                  this->label1->Text = "Left";              }              else{                  this->label1->Text = "Right";              }          } };

Reading Note : Chapter 1 , The Psychopathology of Everyday Things, from The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman

  Thought : (About Cutting Game) Visibility Compare to the sample in the article, cutting game has relatively few function, and all the functions are mapping to controls one by one. This will not make user confused. For the tool (button), Scissor, pencil, eraser , hand, and the X(exit) are the most understandable tools But the effect of scissor is not realistic compared to cutting real paper with real scissor. The PageUP (arrow point upside), PageDown (arrow point to downside) buttons are not used by child at first, because they were originally been instructed to use the preview function to view multiple picture simultaneously. But in the recent days, I find that they learn to use them by themselves. I think it may be result from the simple function the button provi...

Reading Note - Designing for Usability: Key Principles and What Designers Think by John D. Gould and Clayton Lewis

  Thought : For Cutting Game, the project I am working on. Early Focus on Users and Tasks I will say that we did or we didn't. Did Our user is clearly stated at the beginning of the project : child with autism. The idea is raised by Prof. Lo from OT who was an expert on autism child therapy. The environment for the task (cutting game) is firmed : Playing the game at home. Didn't We did not have direct contact with child, at least we did not have chance to get children's trust and talk to them. Even we have the chance, it is still need a lot of effort and training to be able to interact with autism child carefully and properly. speak in a way that they can understand understand what they say ...

Using Character Pointer

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {     char s[12] = "programming";     char *sp = &s[0];     *sp = 'P';     cout << *sp << endl; // P     cout << sp << endl;  // Programming       system("pause");     return 0; }

C++ vector 使用方法

#include <vector> using namespace std; vector <int> v1; vector <int> ::iterator Iter1; v1. push_back ( 10 ); // 丟一個 integer 進去 vector v1.push_back( 19 ); // v1.begin() : vector 的最前面 // v1.end() : vector 的最後面 for( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 < v1.end() ; Iter1++ ){     cout << *Iter1 << ", ";  // 取值,印出 }   cout << endl; // 移除 第一個 Element v1.erase (v1.begin());   // 移除 前兩個 Element v1.erase (v1.begin(), v1.begin() + 1);