public void ChangeValue( ref uint cB1 , ref uint c12, ref uint c23){ // change value through reference cB1 = 10; cB2 = 20; cB3 = 30; } public void MainFunction(){ uint cxxB1, cxxB2, cxxB3; cxxB1 = 0; cxxB2 = 0; cxxB3 = 0; // pass the reference to the method ChangeValue( ref cxxB1 , ref cxxB2, ref cxxB3); // print out the value after change Console.Out.WriteLine("cxxB1 = " + cxxB1); // 10 Console.Out.WriteLine("cxxB2 = " + cxxB2); // 20 Console.Out.WriteLine("cxxB3 = " + cxxB3); // 30 }