// every time you meet PGP signature, skip the checking
// other wise, try to accept the condition, treat it like it is successfully installed (for the example*.lisp, which sounds reasonable to skip)
// I install the package in the system-wide directory
// install debian package: couchdb, lisp package: clouchdb, cl-couchdb
- sudo apt-get install cl-asdf
- sudo apt-get install couchdb
- sudo apt-get install erlang (not sure if it is needed)
- sudo sbcl
- (require ‘asdf)
- (require ‘asdf-install)
- (asdf-install:install ‘cl-couchdb)
- error: cl-couchdb-test component missing
- sudo apt-get install cl-cclan (not sure if it is needed)
- (asdf-install:install ‘cl-couchdb)
- (asdf-install:install ‘clouchdb)
- debugger invoked on a SB-INT:STREAM-DECODING-ERROR in thread #<THREAD “initial thread” RUNNING {1002CA6DD1}>:
- decoding error on stream
- for “file /usr/lib/sbcl/site/clouchdb_0.0.11/examples.lisp” {1005FE5DB1}>
- the octet sequence (195) cannot be decoded.
- Solution: 4 (treat it like it is successfully installed)
- WARNING: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing
- #<COMPILE-OP NIL {10060E3281}> on
- #<CL-SOURCE-FILE “utilities” {1004FFDD71}>.
- debugger invoked on a ASDF:COMPILE-FAILED in thread
- #<THREAD “initial thread” RUNNING {1002CA6DD1}>:
- erred while invoking #<COMPILE-OP NIL {10060E3281}> on
- #<CL-SOURCE-FILE “utilities” {1004FFDD71}>
- Solution: reference this page to solve the problem: http://paste.lisp.org/display/98816
- Summary
- in utilities.lisp
- replace mop -> su-mop
- in introspection.lisp
- (add-group sub-result nil) -> (add-group sub-result)
- (asdf-install:install ‘trivial-http)
- debugger invoked on a SB-INT:STREAM-DECODING-ERROR in thread #<THREAD “initial thread” RUNNING {1002CA6DD1}>:
- in /usr/local/bin/
- sudo ./couchdb
- # if no error occurs, you have successfully start the couchdb server
- use lisp to connect to couchdb server (sbcl)
- ;; reference code from http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/ClouchDB, but with slightly adjustment
- ;; the server tell me that it does not accept capital letters
- ;; Create a workspace package
- (defpackage :clouchdb-user (:use :cl :clouchdb))
- (in-package :clouchdb-user)
- ;; See what databases exist on default connection, which is
- ;; host “localhost”, port 5984
- (list-dbs)
- ;; Create database “myDb”
- (set-connection :db-name “m_db”)
- (create-db)
- ;; Create a document in database “m_db”
- (create-document ‘((:Subject . “I like Plankton”)
- (:Author . “Rusty”)
- (:PostedDate . “2006-08-15T17:30:12-04:00”)
- (:Tags . (“plankton” “baseball” “decisions”))
- :id “m_doc”))
- ;; Get all documents in “m_db”
- (get-all-documents)
- ;; Get document “m_doc”
- (get-document “m_doc”)
- ;; Delete document “m_doc”
- (delete-document :id “m_doc”)
- ;; List information about database “m_db”
- (get-db-info :db-name “m_db”)